May 15. - 18. 2025
Memorial of Šárka Víchová-Pešková
and Jiří Vícha Jr.
Aliance žen s rakovinou prsu, o.p.s.




Art 1.


Mandavan z. s., Studánka 334, 407 52, Varnsdorf

Race headquarters:

House of Czech Switzerland National Park (Dům českého Švýcarska), square Křinické náměstí 1161/10, 407 46 Krásná Lípa

Simona Davídková, tel. +420 603 586 044, email:

Date and place of the race:

2024, Krásná Lípa, Czech Republic

Race director:

Mgr. Jan Novota, tel. +420 777 809 468, email:

Course Commander:

Safety Manager: 

Roman Horký

Hana Kohoutová



  Date Time Course name Type Distance Start - Finish
1st Stage   10.00 okruh Rumburské vzpoury ITT 12,6 km Krásná Lípa –Vápenka - KL
2nd Stage   9.00 Národním parkem České Švýcarsko road 101,7 km Krásná Lípa - KL
3rd Stage   9.00 Šluknovskou pahorkatinou road 110,7 km Rumburk - Rumburk
4th Stage   8.00 Lužickými horami road 114,6 km Varnsdorf - Krásná Lípa
Total         340 km  

Art. 2.

Type of event:

The event is open to public YOB 2006 and older.
The event is part of the RoadCup 2023 series – RoadRace.

Art. 3.


The race is ridden in normal traffic condition with the regulation at the intersections, however, all participants must comply with the provisions of the Act on Traffic on Roads No. 361/2000 Coll. and its later changes.
Each race participant participates at her own risk, the organiser is not liable for damages incurred by participants or caused by them.
The organiser reserves the right to make necessary changes to the programme in case of unforeseen circumstances.
The individual time trial is run during closed road traffic.
All race participants are obliged to respect the instructions of the organisers, Police and Commissaires.

Art. 4.

Race headquarters:

House of Czech Switzerland National Park (Dům Českého Švýcarska), square Křinické náměstí 1161/10, 407 46 Krásná Lípa - GPS
Office - in case of need Tel: +420 776 490 210

  • 2024 between 17:00 to 20:00.
  • 2024 between 13:00 to 16:00.

The identification numbers and presentation packages can be picked only on 2024.

Identification numbers:

Each rider gets numbers and transponder. Riders shall carry the numbers visibly with no changes.
It is compulsory to return the transponder in the race office after the race. Failing leads to 3 000 Kč fine.


Online only. The capacity is 300 starters.


Participants arrival is necessary on 2024 due to starters package pick up (identification number, transponder, instructions).
Presence at the start place is not possible!


At each road stage 2-3x feedings including bottles. Stationary feeding area will be signed “Začátek” and “Konec bufetu (Feeding Zone)”. This area is reserved for littering as well (Green Zone). Littering outside the Green Zone is penalized with disqualification!
At the finish numerous of food options including warm meals.

Art. 5.

Individual Time Trial:

Starting order will be determined by the organizer.
Interval is 1 minute.
Start is from a stationary position at the ramp.
Classic road bikes are allowed, not special bikes, not handlebar attachments.
At the course will be 1 neutral mechanical zone.

Art. 6.

Service vehicles:

Fee 500 Kč at the Race Office at the presence. For 2nd – 4th Stage only. ID, car type and license plate with. Bike change is allowed only behind the group on the right road side on stopping.                         

Art. 7.

Time bonuses:

Time bonuses at stage finishes:

1. Stage no bonuses awarded     
2. Stage 10" - 6" - 4"
3. Stage 10" - 6" - 4"
4. Stage 10" - 6" - 4"

Art. 8.

Time limit:

Time limit in the 2nd and 3rd stage is 4 hours. Time limit in the 4th stage is 4:30 hours. In case being out of the time limit is rider’s stage time 4 hours plus 30’ penalization. Rider can continue the next stage. For each stage, the time limit can be changed with unpredictable circumstances. No time limit is set for time trial.

Art. 9.

Race classifications:


Men U25                        (1998 – 2006)      white jersey

Men 25+                         (1984 – 1997)      yellow jersey

Masters                          (1974 – 1983)      blue jersey

Grand Masters              (1973 and earlier)  red jersey


Women U35                  (1988 – 2006)         pink jersey

Women 35+                   (1987 and earlier) purple jersey     


The winner of the category shall be the rider whose sum of times in the individual stages, including the time bonuses and the penalties, will be the lowest.

The classification is updated after each stage.

In the event of a tie in the individual general classification decides better last stage ranking!

The leading rider of each category receives leading Jersey after each stage, it is required to wear this jersey.

Team Competition (3 – 5 members teams)

The team classification shall be calculated on the basis of the sum of the three best individual riders’ times from each team. Riders from the same team have the same team name at the presence.

The best team is not awarded after each stage, but during the afterwards ceremony after the 4th stage.



Art. 10.

Awards ceremony:

The stage ceremony (including the leaders jersey awarding) for first 3 riders in the category will take place always within approx. 60 minutes after stage winner finish!

Art. 11.

Medical service:

ČČK Šluknov

List of hospitals:

Nemocnice (Hospital) Varnsdorf, Karlova 2280, 407 47 Varnsdorf         

Art. 12.


Is provided by each participant individually.
Recommended accommodations for cyclists:

Art. 13.


Sportovní hala Krásná Lípa, Pražská 615/27 - GPS



Organizing Committee Mandavan z.s.